
We Are Here To Take Care of Your Health, Wealth & Prosperity

अज्ञान तिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानाञ्जन शलाकया ।
चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ॥

About The Work image
We are using the 7 Chakras analysis method to apply yoga medicine and natural medicine correctly. Our body form is made from five elements and according to yoga, every chakra in seven chakras is a form of a special element. We use two types of special method for chakras analysis.  The first method is the counseling method by which we get answers to some questions from the client in yes or no. The second method is the Indian Astrology method by which we get the status of birth cycle of seven chakras. According to the report received by Chakra Analysis, we can easily know which chakras of the client is weak or strong. This method makes it easy for us to work and it is easy to give the result to the client. After the report received, we determine how and how many yoga therapy,naturopathy or other physicians are needed.

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Celebration of the Festival of Lights

Celebration of the Festival of Lights

*Jyotishamapi tajjyotistamasa parmuchyate |* *Jnanam jneyam jnanagamyam hdi sarvasya vishthitam ||(Shrimadbhagwadgita* 13 / 17) That (God) is the light of all lights and is said to be beyond darkness. That is knowledge, the object of knowledge and attainable by knowledge, and is seated in the hearts of all. On the sacred Deepavali Parva (the Festival of Lights) let us, in an attitude of inner peace and quietude, open ourselves towards the Indwelling Divinity, ardently aspiring and praying for integral illumination of our whole being (body, mind, intellect, soul) with Supreme Light, Love and Life completely dissolving our false sense of identity the imported EGO. *We wish our readers a Truly Illuminating Deepawali!*

Mention 7 chakras in ancient texts.

हिन्दी लिंक विकिपीडिया English link Wickipedia

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Manas Rajrishi

President - Life Solutions

Resolving the problems of life. Understanding experience the status of problems through seven chakras. Special Experience for Solution through Yoga, Naturopathy and ahar-vihar.

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Dr Rajini Soni

Energy Healer and Vedic Vastu

Reiki, Vastu, Astro,, cupping, Weight loss & Gain , Dowsing Expert

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Shawni Mandal

Energy healer

Reiki Master ,Pranic Healer & Trainer, Mind power Meditation expert

Deepak Padia

Yoga Teacher Since April 2017

Learned at Adarsh Amdavad. Past Assistant Governor in Rotary International RID 3050. Past Chairman Indian Drug Manufacturers Association 2002-2004. Actively participating in Social Activity and community services to do noble cause for the society.

Govind Dodiya

Refining Healer

Traditional Yog & Karate Teacher. Email -

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Yogic Healer

Chakra balancing expert by Yogic kriya

  • Gandhi Ashram, हृदया कुंज, ओल्ड वादाज, अहमदाबाद, गुजरात
  • Prayog Trust, Opposite Gandhi Ashram, behind Toran Holel, Ashram Road - 380027 map link -

मिट्टी,पानी, धूप,हवा - सब रोगों की एक दवा

Yoga For Health awareness Program Study class by 24 videos and pdf file via online. Certificate - 16 Hr Yoga for Health awareness Training by Pra-yog Trust, Opposite Gandhi Ashram, Ahmedabad Program Value - Rs 3000/Read More

  • Date: 11/5/2020 06:25 PM
  • Location Online Event

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Online Meditation Study

Life awareness through meditation

Online Study & Exam at your Home.


Secret keys to your 12 houses (आपकी 12 घरों की गुप्त चाभियां Author - Pdt. Manas Rajrishi



ध्यान रहस्य: meditation techniques

21 ध्यान की महत्वपूर्ण विधियों के साथ ध्यान के अनुसूलझे रहस्य को सुलझाने वाली अनूठी पुस्तक । Meditation Tecniques Book Author - Pdt. Manas Rajrishi



आत्मा रहस्य

आत्मा जीवन से जुड़ी सबसे महत्वपूर्ण शक्ति है । मनुष्य रहस्यों के प्रति जिज्ञासु होता है । मनुष्य कुछ रहस्यों को तो जन जाता है किन्तु कुछ रसीऑन को जानने के लिए लंबी खोज करने का प्रयास करता है । तमाम पुस्तकों को पढ़कर भी मनुष्य की जिज्ञासा शांत नहीं होती । आत्मा का विषय भी कुछ ऐसा ही है ,यह हमारे भीतर रहती है और अनेकों योनियों में जन्म-जन्मांतर की यात्रा करती है किन्तु हम इसे न देख पाते हैं और न इसे समझ पाते हैं । यह पुस्तक आपको आत्मा विषय से संबंधित छिपे तमाम रहस्य । Author - Pdt. Manas Rajrishi



7 चक्रों की जाँच और संतुलन

यह पुस्तक मुख्य रूप से योग विद्यार्थियों , योग शिक्षकों और योग चिकित्सकों के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है । भारतीय योग शास्त्रों के अनुसार चक्रों के पूरे परिचय के साथ 7 चक्रों की जाँच (काउंसेलिंग विधि) से चक्रों की पॉवर निकालकर रिपोर्ट तैयार करना एवं रिपोर्ट के आधार पर चिकित्सा योजना तैयार करना महत्वपूर्ण है । इस पुस्तक में चक्र संतुलन की भारतीय विधियाँ - योग, राग, आहार, विहार और महत्वपूर्ण गूढ़ विद्या चक्र रिफलेक्सोलॉजी को सरल भाषा में प्रस्तुत किया गया है । इस पुस्तक के द्वारा विशेषज्ञ बनकर आप चक्र जाँच और संतुलन के मध्यम से शारीरिक, मानसिक ही नहीं बल्कि बल्कि जीवन की सभी प्रकार की समस्याओं का समाधान कर सकतें हैं । यह पुस्तक मुख्य रूप से वर्तमान में 7 चक्रों के नाम से बाजार में बिगड़ते ज्ञान के स्वरूप के प्रति लोगों को जागरूक कर सही पद्धति पर कार्य करने की दिशा देने के लिए अतिमहत्वपूर्ण है । Author - Pdt. Manas Rajrishi



Coming Soon Book - अष्टांगयोग रहस्य

Book your Order now here for 20% Discount. Offer Till - 2nd October



मानस भजन संग्रह

भजनों की महत्वपूर्ण पुस्तक । Author - Pdt. Manas Rajrishi



"गाँधी" एक सफल अष्टांगयोगी

अष्टांग योग के आधार पर गाँधी जीवन दर्शन (Hindi) Author - Pdt. Manas Rajrishi



The Prosperity from the Mating

Through the medium of this book, I Have tried to tell, how did prosper through balanced perceptions of sexual intercourse in human life? . You will definitely take 'sexual intercourse' in its original true meaning by reading it and enrich worldly life.



एक ग्रह लाल पर्वत वाला

There are many planets in the universe like Earth where there is life and where "man" lives with the creatures. Everywhere man begins to be greedy and violent to fulfill his desires, and everywhere to protect life, a "Buddha", considered like God, arises. This is the story of "Buddha" appearing on another planet known by the people as "Great God Bodhi".