"Tattra Pratyayak Tanta Meditation" || Yoga Sutras-3/2
- Where the mind is applied, it is meditation to walk the yoke of instinct. Perception means to bring or place the mind in one place. But meditation means that wherever there is a chit, it is meditation to walk the yoke of instinct. It is meditation to stay awake.
"The name of the path of God getting the body by making the body is meditation"
- Sant Rajendra Singh ji, Saint Kirpal Ruhani Mission
"Meditation means opposing restlessness, or reducing"
- disturbance.Acharya Mahapragya
1. Internal Meditation 2.External Meditation
Here are two types of meditation and additional from the origin of the inner and outer
genres.Inevitably, and 3.4.constant attention to the
According to theCode of the Covenant, there are three types of.Gross
1. meditationfocus (big attention) - a place such as forest, park Etc.
2. Jyotirmay meditation (meditation of the eye) - between the two eyebrows.
3. Subtle meditation (short meditation) - For those who have reached the summit of yoga.
According to Bhakti Sagar there are four types of meditation -
1. meditation, meditation, meditation, meditation, meditation4.to meditation,
etc.In additionLord Buddha has discovered Vishnna meditation.